Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Area Man Proud To Live Near First Baptist Church

TULSA,OK- Area technician Dave Lester, 43, is proud to live near the first-ever baptist church. "It's a great honor," Lester said. "I never knew our town was renowned for so great a thing. Our claim to fame, you know."
The historic church is located on 2342 East Barden Drive. It was built in 1985.
"Yeah, that's weird... I thought the Baptists started before then. Maybe they just, like, met at each other's houses, or something before then."
Controversy has erupted, though, over the Tulsa church's claim as being the first-ever baptist church. Churchgoers from Los Angeles, New York, Nashville, Albuquerque, Green Bay, Lanedale, Kansas; Cool Springs, Tennessee; various areas in Nebraska, a small unnamed community in North Dakota, a rural town in South Alabama, and various other places scattered throughout the southeast, all claim to have the first baptist church in their hometowns.
One man from Murfreesboro, Tennessee claimed, "Well, there's that place over near the square. They claim to be the first baptist church, so I guess I believe them."
Several lawsuits have been considered by the towns with the "first" baptist churches. The various chambers of congress, however, have decided against legal action, claiming it would not be worth it.
Even more perplexing to Lester is the fact that Tulsa also contains the Third Baptist Church. "I had no idea this town had so much history to it," Lester observed. "By the way, where is the second baptist church?"
There are approximately 50,079 other "third" baptist churches around the nation. As of press time, apparently no one has ever seen the second baptist church.

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