Friday, November 28, 2008

Area Man Recognizes Alteril Infomercial Guy From Extenze Infomercial

NASHVILLE, TN- Area man John Hedgecock, 43, recognized the guy from an infomercial for the sleep-aid Alteril today from the infomercial for a male-growth pill called Extenze. "I've seen that guy somewhere," Hedgecock thought to himself, as he tried to remember from what other cheap daytime/late-night paid programming he had seen the dude. "I know I've seen that guy before!"
According to reports, it took Hedgecock nearly five seconds to recall seeing the guy in an infomercial he had seen in a long night of flipping through the channels. "I remember seeing that infomercial now," he said. "It was kinda gross."
As of press time, the man is unidentified, but it is widely believed that the poor sap really needs to get a life.

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